1938: Nylander museum taking shape

12 years ago

100 Years Ago-Jan. 2, 1913

Bank open house — The doors of Aroostook Trust & Banking Co. were thrown open Wednesday in order that the public might inspect the new and beautiful banking quarters of this institution. A large number were courteously shown through the building by C. C. King, president, and R. F. Gardner, secretary.

Jump in gasoline prices — The price of gasoline jumped from 15 cents per gallon on Monday to 25 cents per gallon on Tuesday, One of Perham’s industrious farmers saved $10 Monday by laying in a stock of 100 gallons.

75 Years Ago-Jan. 6, 1938

Building to house Nylander collection — Work is expected to begin in two weeks to construct a one-story wooden building to house the precious collection of minerals, fossils, shells and others, representing the work of a lifetime of collecting by Prof. Olay Nylander.

Ice racing for horses — Grant A. Hunt, president of the Fort Fairfield Driving Club, announced Tuesday that a horseman’s dinner will be held at the Plymouth Hotel Thursday evening, the first move in organizing horse owners into a unit to foster ice racing this winter.

50 Years Ago-Jan. 3, 1963

Caribou “digs out” — The best news to come out of the stormy weekend in Caribou was from the fire department which reported, “nothing more than chimney fires” over two blustery days when over 20 inches of snow was recorded here.

Food baskets distributed — Christmas food baskets were distributed to 177 Caribou families, made possible by: The American Legion, Calvary Baptist Church, United Baptist Church, Beta Sigma Phi, Church of Christ, Eastern Star, FHA, Jaycees, Knights of Columbus, Lions Club, Methodist Church, Pentecostal Church, Pioneer Girls, Rotary, Salvation Army, Junior & Senior Tri-Hi-Y, Universalist Ladies Aid & Murray Club and VFW & VFW Auxiliary.

25 Years Ago-Jan. 6, 1988

Children’s stories on the radio —Featuring the pleasant voice of Erin Benson, “The Invisible Storyteller,” a unique half-hour radio program designed specifically for young children, will air each Wednesday from 7:05-7:30 p.m. 1390-AM WEGP radio allowing children to tune in to hear favorite stories read aloud.

Hearing aids for dogs — Dr. Donald Levesque, a veterinarian practicing in Phoenix was recently featured in the Phoenix Gazette. The Caribou native specializes in providing hearing aids for pets, and may be the only veterinarian who provides this service. He is the son of Mrs. Pauline Blake of Caribou and a 1961 graduate of Caribou High School.