PRESQUE ISLE — Healthy Aroostook held its annual meeting Jan. 8 to review its past year and to set committee goals for 2013. Healthy Aroostook is a program of Aroostook County Action Program (ACAP) and one of two local Healthy Maine Partnerships serving Aroostook County.
Floyd Rockholt, advisory coalition chairman, welcomed the group and gave an overview of Healthy Aroostook’s mission and vision statements. Carol Bell, project director, provided a timeline of the Healthy Maine Partnerships program and the changes that have occurred since its inception in 1999. Clare Desrosiers updated the Advisory Coalition on the Advocacy Committee and its continued efforts to educate the public on upcoming legislation.
Other program updates were given on Substance Abuse by Michelle Plourde Chasse, Worksite Wellness by Jo-Ellen Kelley, Obesity and Tobacco by Bell, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by Amy Bouchard and Reegan Brown reviewed the results of a survey completed by Coalition members.
Following the updates Nicole Erwin, board development chair, presented information on membership gaps and recruitment.
The meeting wrapped up with a presentation highlighting 2012 featuring: Healthy Aroostook’s receiving the Maine Fitness Award, Youth Triathlon in collaboration with UMPI and TAMC, Wear Red for Women’s Heart Health, Great American Smoke out, Recess Rocks!, Semi-annual Prescription Drug Return, Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Trainings, 2012 Marijuana Fact Campaign, Stroke Prevention Initiative, Healthy Holiday Cooking, Let’s Go 5-2-1-0 Promotion and lots of ongoing educational efforts within the schools.
ACAP provides county residents with services and programs in the areas of community services, health, child and family, energy and housing and employment and training.