Houlton Council of Catholic Women

12 years ago

Houlton Council of Catholic Women met Sunday, April 7 in the living room of St. Anthony’s hall following 10:30 Mass. Twelve members attended plus Father David Raymond, moderator, Deacon Albert Burleigh and guest Bill Roach.
Vice President Jane Mitchell called the meeting to order and the traditional prayers and hymn was sung and the prayers were recited.

After our meal, prepared by Margaret Casey, Jane Stile read the minutes of the previous meeting, March 3 meeting. Treasurer’s report was unavailable and Lois Downing read the correspondence.
Ruth Warren of MDCCW sent us a letter requesting attendance in Gorham for a spring meeting.
A state meeting is on the agenda in Houlton July 20. The Patrons Fund was sent to the state.
Lynette Dobbs contacted Cathy Bither of  SAVE regarding our May banquet and final meeting of the season. Members chose Tuesday, May 21, 6 p.m. at the parish center. Food selection will be published soon.
Father Dave had to leave early to prepare for Divine Mercy Sunday. Fr. Dave complimented our parish during the Holy Oils Mass; all the priests and guest were impressed with the youth and the local Knights of Columbus who prepared the dinner preceding the Mass; all in all it was a beautiful service and we are thankful for those involved.
Jane Stile, Bunny Tidd and Bernette Roach brought money or articles to the animal shelter after they were gathered at our April meeting.
Alta Reardon, Jane Mitchell and Jane Stile will serve on the nominating committee for the coming season. The next meeting will be Monday, May 6 at 6 p.m. in the chapel with the recitation of the Holy Rosary. Business meeting will follow in the parish center.
Members applauded Margaret Casey in preparing the luncheon for April. Members brought dessert. Our list of members is long but few are available and inable to serve.
Council will supply flowers for our First Holy Communion and Confirmation celebration May 4 after the 11 a.m. Mass. Birthdays and anniversaries were recognized. Bernette won the door prize. Prayer intentions were gathered. Deacon Al urged all to attend the Divine Mercy Sunday service in the church.