100 Years Ago-Apr. 30, 1913
Aroostook Times
Musical instruction — Mr. Emmons Robinson who has been studying with Heim and Fiedler of the Boston Symphony Orchestra of the past few months, will take a limited number of pupils on coronet and violin. He wishes to announce that he has the sole agency in Aroostook County for the Houlton band instruments.
Baseball season shaping up — The prospects of a local baseball league in this town are beginning to look brighter. The Elks Club are already selecting players for their team. Co. L. has already begun practice and are showing some good material. The Moose Club will begin practice this week and without doubt, some good enjoyable games will result.
75 Years Ago-May 5, 1938
Houlton Pioneer Times
County museum finds home — The Aroostook County Historical Museum has at last been housed, according to announcement today by R. W. Shaw, president. Rooms have been secured in the Nickerson Block over the M. H. Fishman store and are open for inspection.
Better bread making — In order to show to the general public the new and modern machinery just installed in their new bread plant in the rear of their bakery, Tingley’s Bakery has planned an open house on Saturday of this week. All of the equipment in this addition is new and comprises the most modern and sanitary bread making methods.
50 Years Ago-May 2, 1963
Houlton Pioneer Times
Defense films for viewing — Senator Edmund S. Muskie with the cooperation of the Department of Defense is making available three films for showing to Maine service clubs, high school classes and other interested civic groups. The three films deal with national defense, the threat of Communism and development of the Polaris missile program.
File photo 1963
TOP BOWLERS — Nettie Crawford, left, holds her trophy for having scored the high single string of 133 during the regular season of the ladies bowling league of the Dux Club, while Frances Cunliffe holds trophies for the high three (332) and high average (96.1).
At the movies — Films showing at the Temple Theatre this week include “Days of Wine and Roses” with Jack Lemmon and Lee Remmick, “Seven Ways from Sundown” with Audie Murphy and Barry Sullivan, and “Follow the Boys” featuring Connie Francis, Paula Prentiss and Dany Robin.
25 Years Ago-May 4, 1988
Houlton Pioneer Times
Littleton’s Hubert named valedictorian — Timothy J. Hubert, a University of Maine student in the College of Engineering and Science was informed by UM President Dale W. Lick of his class standing as valedictorian and invited to join the stage party at the May 7 commencement ceremony. A heavily-recruited chemical engineering major, Hubert will be going to work for Eastman Kodak Co. in Rochester, N. Y. He is the son of Normal and Phyllis Hubert of Littleton.
A new sound in town — A new community jazz group has been formed under the direction of David McGillicuddy and will present their first concert of “Big Band Sounds” on May 11 at the Houlton High School auditorium.