Information on your town’s animal control

11 years ago

By Joe Rodweller
    The state of Maine requires each and every town to have one or more animal control officers to enforce the animal welfare laws and other duties to control animals as that town may require. Any town can make or adopt more stringent ordinances or laws dealing with animal welfare. No town can have and enforce any law that would be less than the animal welfare laws and regulations.

    Each municipality must establish and maintain an animal welfare account to be used to help with the costs of animal control. A portion of the license fee for dogs and all the late charges and fine amounts must be put into this account. The state keeps a portion of the license fee for…whatever. Call them and ask what for.
    An animal control officer must respond and act on each and every call received. It matters not what the call is. Sometimes help is needed from other animal control officers, sheriff, police, game wardens or state humane agents. Many times the help is needed only because someone is acting in a threatening manner towards others or the officer. Calls can take as little as a few minutes to a few days or even weeks.
    Animal control in this day and age consists of report writing, photographs, interviews, driving anywhere and long days of court. So don’t think it’s all so easy and simple with no worries and no stress and anyone can do it. We all do this because it’s how we are, we love it, we are driven to watch out for the ones that can’t talk or say when something is wrong. We are here and doing this for the animals.
    Towns will and always have tried to get the cheapest animal control for their town, that’s the way government works. Some would rather not have it at all, but without it, we all would be in trouble, this we would all agree on once thought about. So, remember at your town meetings out there, would you buy them a coffee? I hope so, that’s about what it would amount to if you’re thankful for what they do. But many don’t get this. They deserve at least this and more, remember how much they do and how much time is spent for every single person in your town, not just the ones with animals but all. Heck, buy them a couple!
    Now some are saying you’re saying this because you’re one of them and you want more money; yes, you’re right, I along with the rest, I think we are all worth it, but to continue doing it and surviving the costs that we encounter it would be nice to have a little help in the payment part.
Joe Rodweller of Linneus is a certified animal control officer and operates Maine Animal Control with his wife Debbie. He can be reached at 538-1347 or via e-mail at debjoe347