Island Falls Happenings

12 years ago

By Riva Hawkes
    The local 4H club held an outdoor bake sale on Saturday. April 27, and members were very busy selling all the home baked goodies to all who came by. There was a good variety of everything from pies, different kinds of bread, cookies, squares, fudge and even homemade biscuits.

    The sale opened at 10 a.m. and closed at 2 p.m. and was very successful. The River Cafe being established at the former Red Brick garage is coming along very well and the balcony has now been made that overlooks the river. New tables are arriving this week. The new floor in the dining area has been laid and certainly looks very nice. The opening is planned, hopefully, by the middle of May.
    I still have a hard time with the very pesky squirrels so have stopped putting out as many seeds in the hopes that they will be discouraged and leave. The little birds are still around and trying to get at the seeds, even though the pesky squirrels are there ahead of them, most of the time. And the other evening about 6 p.m. as I was watching the deer grazing quietly I spotted two of them lying down and apparently having a snooze. Guess they feel right at home in my back yard.
    The wild turkeys have not reappeared and I am happy about that. I am still swimming at Vacationland Estate and have had lots of company lately — good weather is really bringing people out to enjoy it.