by Beth Boddy
For the past 40 years, The Washburn Rotary Club has been the sponsor for Boy Scout Troop 177. Each of the past several years, the troop has held a Dutch oven thank-you supper at Camp Harrison to show their appreciation for the Rotary Club.
This year the troop cooked meatloaf, sparkling potatoes, chili and cherry and blueberry cobbler. Following the meal a DVD show of the troop’s summer trip to West Virginia was shown and a few patches were given to troop members.
Those attending this year’s supper were: troop members Larry Harrison, Tim Roix, Trevor Pendexter, Don and Pam Wilcox, Mike Thompson, Stacey Skinner and Tina Jardine; Scouts Tyler Jardine, Bryce Roix, Caleb Thompson and Carvor Pendexter; Rotary members Cindy Richendollar, Charlotte Griffin, Larry Bull, Kermit Fuller, Dana Woodman, Keith Brown, Nathan Brown and Andy White. Guests for the evening were: Floyd Rockholt, Rotary District 7810 Assistant District Governor; Charlie and Pat Lister, friends of Troop 177; Caitlyn Roix and Willie Drost, special friend and roll maker.
Anyone interested in joining Troop 177 please contact any Scout or feel free to attend any of our meetings each Thursday at 7 p.m. at Camp Harrison.
After School Porgram
On Wednesday, Sept. 18, the 21st Century Washburn After School Program celebrated the fall season with our students and volunteers by going to Goughan’s Farm and visiting the corn maze. The trip included an ice cream treat, a walk through the corn maze and finding all of the clues in the maze. At the end everybody had the opportunity to pick up a pumpkin to bring home.
The 21st Century After School Program would like to thank all of the generous sponsors for making this trip possible for the kids. A big thank you also goes out to all the staff members and volunteers — the Elementary Education Program students from UMPI, who helped take care of the groups during the trip.
Birthday girl
Jenesa Ingraham celebrated her fifth birthday with her friends and family at the Thomas Brewer Park in Washburn on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, Sept. 1. She enjoyed playing with her little friends on the playground equipment. She shared a “Hello Kitty” birthday cake and decorated cupcakes made by her grandmother Ardis Humphrey and homemade grapenut ice cream made by her Grampie Raymond Humphrey. She then opened several cards and gifts. Attending were her parents Barry and Jana Ingraham, sisters Jenica and Jayden, grandparents Charles and Linda Ingraham and Raymond and Ardis Humphrey, Uncle Joel Humphrey, Rhonda Chamberlain, Robert and Sarah Sines and Isaac, Sarah Hewitt and Mitchell Madison, Jaici Carney, Randy Harris, Kristen LeClair and Jasmine, Stephanie and Alex.
Library amnesty
The Washburn Memorial Library is holding an overdue book amnesty during the months of October and September. We would like to have our overdue books returned and know that some of you are reluctant to return them for fear of high fines. We want to offer you a way to pay your fines. For the next two months come in with that overdue book or DVD or Audiobook and bring some non-perishable foods to pay your fines. That’s right, even if you owe us a large amount of money in fines we will mark your record “paid” if you contribute to the food bank here in Washburn. We look forward to seeing you in the next few weeks.
New library hours
New hours for Washburn Memorial Library: Mondays 1-7 p.m.; Tuesday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Amateur radio licensing
Amateur radio licensing examinations will be offered in Washburn on Tuesday, Oct. 22, at the Baptist church (across from the park). Testing will start at 6:30 p.m. Walk-ins will be accepted. Examinees must have two forms of positive identification and their Social Security number. Licensed amateurs trying to upgrade must have in their possession the original license and any original certificates of completion and a clear photocopy of each. Contact the team VE leader in advance if special exam facilities are required or proposed. The cost is $15. For more information call Steve, N1NXU, at 227-2473.
Those celebrating a birthday between Oct. 9-15 include: Joe Whitten, Ericka McManus, Barb Bragg, Dale Howe, Gary Blackstone, Leland Caron, Nicki McCrum, Roger Hewitt Jr., Carol Mahoney, Eldon McPherson, Kim Worcester, Jeannie Johnson and Brent Turner.
Those celebrating an anniversary between Oct. 9-15 include: Daren and Laura Churchill, and Milton and Pam Haley.
Beth Boddy is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached by calling 455-8427 or by e-mailing bethwood@hotmail.com.