Lentos receive ‘miracle’ call following fundraiser

11 years ago


by Hillary Hallett

    Last Saturday, Oct. 5, Central Aroostook High School was packed with nearly 400 of the Lentos’ friends and family — ready to help Paige Lento “get her brave on.” The dinner consisting of beans, hotdogs and the fixings was served to 360 diners.

    Many groups and individuals were part of making this a success; specials thanks to the Easton Kiwanis who donated the hotdogs and soda and to all that donated and bid for the auction.  About 150 blue shirts were sold that read “get your brave on.” T-shirts are still available by contacting Melissa Corbin. The highlight of the evening was when Paige got the microphone and thanked everyone for coming; her remarks were short and sweet, “Thanks, I’m going home now.”  Thanks also to Bert Winslow for auctioneering. Donations can still be made by mailing directly to the family at: 25 West Ridge Road, Easton, ME 04740.
    As the excitement of the benefit supper was calming down the Lento family received the call they had been waiting for. A donor had been found for Paige’s liver and kidneys. She underwent transplant surgery this past Monday morning. At the time of submission her father reported, “She will stay in the I.C.U. for now and then be moved to the transplant floor. They’re working to control her blood pressure and make sure she continues to heal.”
    Please continue to keep the entire Lento family in your thoughts.    

    Pastor Jason Coffman was officially installed as the pastor at Easton Wesleyan Church during a ceremony last Sunday conducted by Dr. H.C. Wilson, Atlantic District Superintendant of the Wesleyan Church. Pastor Jason had been ordained by the Wesleyan Church in early September.
    Jason and his wife Penny had to travel back to Indiana for his ordination because that is where he spent several years taking his ordination courses. Church members Keith and Esther Richardson accompanied the Coffmans. While there Esther was able to videotape the ceremony. Upon their return to Easton, the church surprised the family by celebrating Pastor Jason’s ordination, which included viewing the video. This allowed the congregation to be a part of this special event for their pastor. Congratulations, Pastor Jason!

Science Center to mark milestone

    On Saturday, Oct. 19, at 5:30 p.m., join the staff of the Francis Malcolm Science Center to celebrate the facility’s 30th birthday, recalling the opening of the Science Center in October 1983. Following the reception, guests are encouraged to attend “All Systems Go,” a one-hour planetarium sky show at 7 p.m. devoted to highlighting the heroic parade of great achievements of the American and Russian space effort. For  reservations and information, call 488-5451.

Trailbreakers’ first meeting

    The Easton Trailbreakers’ Club will be having their first gathering of the year on Saturday, Oct. 19, at the Odd Fellows Hall. The potluck supper will begin at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome!

Halloween Open House

    The Finnemore family will be opening their home on Saturday, Oct. 20, from 1-5 p.m.  for their annual haunted mansion. Their address is 42 Bowers Road and they would love to have many attend!

Easton Planning Sesquicentennial

    The Easton Sesquicentennial Planning Committee needs your help — the committee would love to have stories, photographs and history of the town for a publication they are in the process of compiling. All materials can be turned in to the Town Office starting immediately. The committee is also looking for activities suggestions and volunteers. If you are interested in being involved, e-mail info@eastonme.com. The next meeting in Tuesday, Oct. 22, at 6 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall; please make plans to attend!

Rec calendar

    Wednesday, Oct. 16 — School resumes.
    Junior Activities (ages 2 and up) at the Hall from 9:30-11 a.m.
    Game Day after school at the Hall from 3-4:15 p.m.
    Thursday, Oct. 17 — Adult trip to Fort Kent; the group will eat lunch at the Swamp Buck Restaurant as well as visit the blockhouse and one-mile marker for Route 1. Participants will be responsible for their own lunch. Departing from the Manor at 10:15 a.m.
    Friday, Oct. 18 —  Junior Activities (ages 2 and up) at the Hall from 9:30-11 a.m.
    Monday, Oct. 21 — Adult Nutrition Class at the Manor starting at 11a.m. The cost is $3 to help cover the costs of foods, all are welcome to attend!
    Kid’s cooking after school at the Hall from 3-4:15 p.m. This month’s theme will be “eww foods.”
    Tuesday, Oct.t 22 — “Come & Play” after-school at the Hall until 4:15 p.m.
     Wednesday, Oct. 23 —  Junior Activities (ages 2 and up) at the Hall from 9:30-11 a.m.
    Halloween crafts after school until 4:15 p.m. Open to grades 1 and up.
    Hillary Hallett is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by sending an e-mail to:  recreation@eastonme.com or call 551-7737.