PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Northern Maine Community College has released its Dean’s List for the college’s 2013 fall semester. A total of 202 full-time students achieved a 3.20 grade point average or better.
“Once again, we are pleased to publicly acknowledge the hard work and dedication of many NMCC students,” said Dr. William Egeler, dean of students. “Students achieving this academic honor recognize the value of higher education to their future and to the lives of their families. Their sacrifices and hard work are reflected in this recognition and we hope all who know these students take the time to congratulate them for their outstanding effort.”
Students on the Dean’s List from Presque Isle include: Scott L. Ackley, Hillary Albert, Joshua D. Allen, Jaimee L. Amero, Sarah E. Bailey, Jeffrey M. Beatham, Joshua J. Blanchette, Nicholas E. Bull, Christopher B. Burnett, Heather L. Carnes, Courtney R. Carney, Adam R. Cray, Ethan P. Cushman, Davina D. Dickinson, Haleigh M. Dyer, Shane A. Ellis, Daniel W. Fuller, Garrett J. Hemphill, Torri R. Huston, Elaina H. Lafland, Shaun D. Lagasse, Danielle L. Larrabee, Cassandra S. Lunney, Peter C. Martelly, Jason R. Martin, Michael A. McKee, Joshua M. Morrow, Joseph E. Mortland, Joshua W. Nason, Michaela L. Neal, Desiree L. Ouellette, Jessica M. Pelletier, John T. Pelletier, Christopher D. Perry, Melanie J. Philbrook, Janice L. Pictou, Sean S. Robertson, Benjamin M. Sipe, Jill A. Smith, Darcy J. St. Thomas, David J. Whiting, Elmer E. Whittaker and Heather D. Wright.
Also, Robert E. Bowring, Edward B. Carr and Morgan L. Porter, all of Ashland; William H. Delong and Marie C. Sanderson, both of Blaine; Zechariah L. Sargent of Bridgewater, Carla R. Cambridge of Chapman, Kyle T. Hews of Crouseville, Ashton R. Bartley, Matthew D. Beaton, Kaitlin S. Bennett, Jenny L. Blackstone, Megan A. Blosser, Samantha L. Buck, Danielle A. Dudley, Krystle A. Gadaire, Tyler S. Gadaire, Justin D. Guerrette, Zack S. Haggerty, Zachary C. Jones, Anna L. Rossignol and Cheryl L. Tarr, all of Easton; Brian A. Buck, Lewis L. Craig, Brittany E. Davies, Zachary C. Dow, Thomas B. Kaiser, Benjamin M. McKenna, Jenny L. McPherson and Keith L. Michaud, all of Mapleton; Marti Rae Bell, Sarah E. Brewer, and Melissa S. McCrum, all of Mars Hill; Gabriel M. Malave and Anthony J. Viola, both of Perham; Dakota H. Koch and Joseph L. York, both of Wade; Nicholas R. Bragg, Michele J. Cloutier, Zachary S. Davis, Dylan J. Drost, Lisa M. Plucker and Kevin G. White, all of Washburn; and Ashley M. Chasse of Westfield.