Island Falls News

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
11 years ago

The Island Falls Senior Citizens met March 6 at the Island Falls Municipal Building with nine members present.

After a delicious potluck luncheon, the business meeting was held. The meeting was opened by the president, Terry Dwyer, and the Lord’s Prayer and flag salute were observed. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were accepted.
The nominating committee put forth the following slate of officers for the ensuing year: President, Richard Camire; vice president, Darrell Hartin; secretary, Terry Dwyer; and Treasurer, Jeanne Clements.
A sunshine committee was named by Rich and consists of Edith Dwyer, Ellie Peck and Jeanne Clements.
The next meeting will be held in the common room at Woodland Heights on March 20, with a potluck dinner at 11:30 followed by the business meeting. Everyone over age 50 is eligible to attend, and we welcome any and all.
Present at the meeting were Richard Camire, Edward Dwyer, Jeanne Clements, Edith Dwyer, Mary Pipes, Mary Lawler, Helen Sherman, Darrell Hartin and Terry Dwyer