The Selectmen will have their first selectmen’s meeting of the extended year on March 12, 2014. The following week on March 19, 2014 at 6 p.m. is the special Town Meeting to approve the “Authorization of Expenditures” until the new fiscal year begins on July 1, 2014. This process has been done under the advisement of Maine Municipal Association legal counsel. The warrant for the meeting is posted at the Town Hall at 831 Ludlow Road in Ludlow. With the new fiscal year commencing on July 1, the annual Town Meeting will now be held in July.
Nomination papers for new selectmen will be available on April 15. The annual audit will be done next week for the fiscal year that just ended on Feb. 28.
The next four months will be tacked on to the July through June fiscal year for auditing purposes. None of this changes the due dates on current taxes. The assessor agent Bob Gingras will be back at work in the next two weeks. He is working on Map 6 and Map 7. Ludlow has 7 maps so he has just about completed his work.