WWC office moves

10 years ago

WWC office moves

By Kathy McCarty 
Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE — Women, Work and Community has moved to a new location, effective the week of Aug. 18.

    “Our offices will be located in South Hall on the University of Maine at Presque Isle campus,” said Erica Quin-Easter, microenterprise specialist with WWC.
    WWC’s new address is 181 Main St. — UMPI, Presque Isle, ME 04769. The organization was formerly located at 33 Edgemont Dr. at NMCC.
    Contact information is as follows:
• Suzanne Senechal Jandreau, regional manager/workforce development, phone 768-9468 or email senechal@maine.edu; and
• Erica Quin-Easter, phone 768-9468 or email erica.quineaster@maine.edu.
    “In the event of technical difficulties the week of the move, you can reach WWC at an alternative number, 800-442-2092, for assistance from our statewide office,” said Quin-Easter.
    For more information on upcoming programs and WWC services, visit womenworkandcommunity.org.