Limestone voters carry all articles

Joshua Archer, Special to The County
10 years ago

    LIMESTONE, Maine — Moderator Robert Edgecomb presided over Limestone’s town meeting last Thursday as residents voted on articles concerning the town’s budget for the next fiscal year.
The Tuesday before the town meeting voters elected Gregory Ward, Melissa Devoe and Paul Poitras to the board of selectpeople, Charles Kelley to the Limestone Water and Sewer District and reelected Michelle Albert to the RSU 39 school board.

All 32 articles were carried after an evening of back and forth deliberation amongst the residents and town selectpeople.
Voters approved the appropriation of $204,228 for administration for the ensuing year, $382,115 for public works, $80,860 for the fire department, $69,729 for the library, $78,767 for parks and rec, and after some disagreement the town settled on $255,061 for the police department.
The town voted to invest $30,000 in a new or used vehicle for the police department as it’ll be retiring an older vehicle Police Chief Stacey Mahan feels isn’t fit for the road.
Article 16 included the appropriation of $4,000 to the chamber of commerce, which will be used to help promote the town.
Voters approved the motion to allow those who pay all taxes due for the year 2015-16 on or before October 23 to be entitled to receive a 3-percent discount.
Thursday’s final article carried, which will allow the board of selectpeople the power to apply, approve and accept all Community Development Block Grants.
A full list of Thursday’s articles can be found in the Town of Limestone’s 2014-2015 annual report.