Happy Losers

Shirley Sides, Special to The County
9 years ago

The weight group called The Happy Losers held their weekly meeting on June 8, 2016.

Eleven members attended. The leader welcomed the group, followed by the pledge and roll call. Linda Banks was the loser of the week and Lois Green was the runner-up. Sandra said, “Great job, ladies.”

The secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week.

Joan Sides held the program on Midday Afternoon Blues. There are three points to conquer this: choose snacks wisely, exercise more and drink up with lemon in water. green tea and citrus drinks.

Nine members weighed in and attended the June 15 meeting. The leader welcomed members and followed with the pledge and roll call.

Dotty Rand was the loser of the week, and Jane Fitzgerald was runner-up. “Great job, ladies,” said Marion.

The secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week. There was no program.

All are welcome to join the group, which meets each Wednesday at the United Baptist Church vestry in Island Falls. Weigh-in starts at 8 a.m. with the meeting at 8:30.