1902: Four new starch factories coming

7 years ago

115 Years Ago – Mar. 5,  1902

A sign of spring The ice piers just above the dam on the Aroostook River have been completed, in time for a recent thaw.  Lumbering crews are breaking up and men are coming out of the woods.

Starch factories It is said there will be four new starch factories built near here this summer.  One will be at Hardwood creek, one near Jerry Dempsey’s, one at West Woodland, and one near the Half Way brook on the Van Buren road.

100 Years Ago – Mar. 8, 1917

Embargo Word was received by Houlton potato dealers Friday that the Canadian government was going to put an embargo on potato shipments from the country.  Should that occur the Aroostook holders would probably not receive that coveted $10 a barrel price

Shiny new — At Houlton’s big automobile show next week, there will be 46 different kinds of automobiles on exhibition.  It will be worth your time to attend this show and look ‘em over.

75 Years Ago – Mar. 5, 1942

Rubber theft –Proof that the rubber situation is much more severe in other parts of the country than in Caribou was experienced recently by Chester Henderson, local farm implement dealer, while on a trip to New York City.  Henderson related that while walking on one of the busy streets of the city, he noticed a dime lying on the sidewalk.  Naturally, he stopped over and picked up the lucky find.  Imagine his chagrin when he resumed his walk to find that his rubber heels had been ripped off. Local people scoffed at this story until the convincing proof of the rubber heel-less shoes was produced.

Nutrition class formed — The newly organized class in nutrition met in the Home Economics room at the High School building Tuesday evening with Miss Esther Brown as teacher.  Beginning Tuesday, February 10, the class will hold a two-hour session from 7 to 9 p.m.

50 Years Ago – Mar.  8, 1967

Crocker expected home — Superintendent of Schools Richard F. Crocker, Jr., who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage early in February and who has been hospitalized since then at the Maine Medical Center in Portland, is expected home today. Philip Mooers, chairman of the school committee, said Tuesday that Crocker’s Portland physician said he will not return to his duties until early April.

Weather knocks out show The Lions Club sponsored wrestling show that had been scheduled for the Caribou High School gymnasium tonight has been reset for April 5, according to club officials.  The show was postponed when the wrestlers were unable to fill an engagement at Portland last night because of downstate weather conditions.