1967: Minnie entertains Caribou

7 years ago

115 Years Ago – Apr. 8,  1902

Early fish A young boy named Pelkey caught a fine trout in the river Tuesday, the fish weighing, when dressed, over a pound.

Jam The big jam of logs in the Aroostook, about three miles above the covered bridge at Presque Isle, broke up and went downstream on Thursday of last week.  This is the jam which backed up and took away the Washburn bridge two weeks ago.

100 Years Ago – Apr. 12, 1917

Purchase Peter E. Johnson has purchased the Leander Anderson farm in the the consideration of $25,000

That’s some cow — Advertisment in the Meirose (Mich.) Messenger:  For Sale — One Jersey Cow gives sixteen quarts of milk, bottled, also twenty bushels of potatoes.  Inquire at the Gardner place.

75 Years Ago – Apr. 8, 1942

Test blackout — Plans are being formulated for a test blackout in the towns of Caribou, Fort Fairfield and the City of Presque Isle to be held simultaneously in the near future, according to a statement issued by this paper today by Town Manager Grover M. Hardison, Caribou. Ample instructions will be given by local citizens in order to properly prepare themselves and building for the test.

Enlisted — Philip A. Parks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parks, Caribou, was accepted Tuesday by the U.S. Marine Corp. Recruiters at the Caribou Post Office during their weekly visit to town.  Parks left immediately for Augusta for induction and will follow there to Parris Island, S.C. where will receive his basic training.  Parks is a 1938 graduate of Caribou High School.

50 Years Ago – Apr. 12, 1967

“Minnie” still entertains — The biggest attraction in this or any other spring in Caribou is “Minnie The Moose.”  She first appeared on the local scene last fall and hasn’t left her Access Highway bypass hangout yet.  During the winter months, “Minnie” became a favorite with curious children and adult, and also developed a tameness which allowed even the youngest to approach within a few feet of her.  With the advent of warmer weather, traffic at “Minnie’s” abode has heightened.

25 Years Ago – Apr. 8, 1992

Celebrity waiters The Caribou Motor Inn will host a celebrity waiter event benefitting the American Heart Association, Maine affiliate, on Friday, April 10.  At the event, the waiters who wear aprons with large tip pockets hope to raise funds to benefit research, public education, and community service.  The favorite waiter in 1991 was awarded to Shellie Doody Corriveau, who will be returning for the third consecutive year.  Also returning are Dennis Curley, master of ceremonies, and Dick Ward, auctioneer.

Penney’s to observe 90 The J.C. Penney Co. will celebrate its 90th birthday this coming Tuesday with a special ribbon-cutting at 9 a.m. in front of the Caribou store. Although the Caribou store didn’t open until Oct. 1, 1926, at the Penney Co. was founded in 1902 by James Cash Penney in Kemmerer, Wyoming.