Houlton area From Our Files (week of April 12, 2017)

7 years ago

100 Years Ago – April 11, 1917

    Comedy show H. Price Webber, the big-hearted, good-natured, versatile and ever welcomed Price, was in Houlton, Friday and Saturday, with his famous Boston Comedy Company. He played two engagements at the Opera House and was greeted by good audiences considering the disagreeable weather.

   Visit No student of history can afford to miss the unusual opportunity of hearing Ex-President Taft talk on “Our World Relationships.” Waterville entertained Ex-President Taft in February, and over 1,000 citizens packed the Opera House.

75 Years Ago – April 9, 1942

    At convention Lester Baker of the Houlton Savings Bank and E.C. Joy of the Houlton Trust Company returned Friday from Augusta, where they attended a meeting of the State Bankers’ Association Thursday and Friday.

    New job Virgil Gogan, who has been employed with the Berry and Benn Company the past 12 years as mechanic and salesman, has resigned his job and left for Hartford, Conn., where he will be employed.

50 Years Ago – April 12, 1967

    Garden Members of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority will be busy this week transforming the National Guard Armory on Pleasant Street into an outdoor garden as the setting for the Charity Ball this Saturday. The ball is being sponsored jointly by the Madigan Memorial and the Aroostook General hospitals, and will have as its theme, “The Loveliest Night of the Year.” Members of the decorating crew from the sorority are; Mrs. Peter Stephenson, Mrs. Donald Ellis, Mrs. Gary Severson, Mrs. Richard Burke, Mrs. Walter Davis Jr., and Mrs. James Peabody.

    New equipment Soya Saribekian, junior from Portland, is looking at a page of the New York Times using the new microfilm reader acquired recently by the Ricker library. The library is currently a subscriber to microfilm editions of the daily and Sunday New York Times and Newsweek.

25 Years Ago – April 8, 1992

   Elk winners Houlton Police Chief Darrell Malone presented American flags to Derek Mills and Morgan Lewis; Elk Joe Skehan was also there for the presentation. The students won the flags and $50 bonds for writing essays on what the flag means to them.

   In the limelight — Four Houlton Elementary School students were put in the limelight during the 1992 Young Authors Institute held March 14 in Limestone. They are: Kristen Child, Melissa Turner, Aimee Fitzpatrick and Patrick Hagan.