Catholic Women — April 19, 2017

7 years ago

The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met Monday, April 3, with nine members present.  

Father Dave was unable to attend. President Sue Hardy led opening prayers. Lunch was provided by the April committee.

President Sue Hardy conducted the business meeting.  The secretary’s report was read by Lynette Dobbs.  Treasurer Mary Grant read the treasurer’s report. Alta Reardon, corresponding secretary, read thank-you notes.

The banquet will be on Monday, June 5, at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. Members should let Sue Hardy know by May 22 if they plan to attend.

The nominating committee presented the upcoming election ballot for members to review.  The group will elect new officers at the next meeting.

During April, HCCW is sponsoring a baby shower for the Pregnancy Care Center.  It is also open to members of the parish.  Patti Sloat provided a cradle which was placed at the back of the church to collect the gifts.  Mark and Jane Stile provided posters which were placed at the entrances to provide information about the shower.

The annual meeting of Maine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will be held at St. Agnes Church in Pittsfield on April 22. Two members plan to attend.

The group voted to donate money to the church for Easter flowers. There was no Parish Council news as they have not held their meeting yet. Alta Reardon won the door prize. Birthdays and anniversaries were noted. Prayer intentions were gathered and members recited a decade of the Rosary.

Sue Hardy and Kathy Klein will provide food for the May meeting.