100 Years Ago – May 16, 1917
Home from trip — Geo. S. Gentle and daughter, Edna, arrived home Wednesday from an extended trip to California and Pacific coast resorts, where they spent the winter months.
Fixed roads — The road crew has completed a good job of work on Florence Ave. The road has been widened and well ballasted and the sidewalk has been given much needed attention.
75 Years Ago – May 14, 1942
Scholarship — Malcolm L. Berman, valedictorian of Houlton High’s graduating class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max B. Berman, has been awarded an entrance scholarship of $500 at Bowdoin College. He is one of five Maine students to receive such an award.
A hit — More than 90 Houlton High School musicians went to Presque Isle Saturday by train to participate in the Northern Maine Music festival. The smartly attired well-trained band and the glee club and girls’ triple trio both received A ratings from the judges.
50 Years Ago – May 17, 1967
S & H — Distribution of the 1967 S & H Green Stamps merchandise catalog, containing 2,000 items, to Houlton residents. The catalog, called the Idea-book, will be available at C & G Foodliner. According to Mr. Riley, manager of C & G Foodliner, over 800 items are in the catalog for the first time. Some of the new items are; a pet grooming kit, propane gas grill for barbecuing, rose bushes, wall-to-wall bathroom carpeting and rattan furniture.
Award — Mrs. Verda Mitchell accepted a $200 award on behalf of the Molunkus Valley Woman’s Club of Sherman Mills from Richard M. Abbott, Portland district manager of Shell Oil Company. The award was for the third place statewide winning entry in the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs Shell Education Awards Program. The club won for its student scholarship program.
25 Years Ago – May 13, 1992
To perform — Four students have been selected to perform in the 1992 All-State Music Festival Chorus in Orono May 14-16. The students chosen are: Elizabeth Arndt, Ryan McGillicuddy, Travis Humphrey and Les Rhoda.
Birthday — Houlton resident Lester Rockwell recently turned 98. Rockwell was guest of honor at a birthday party held for him the Kinney Boarding Home in Houlton.