Operation Limestone offers concert series

7 years ago

LIMESTONE, Maine — Operation Limestone kicked off its summer concert series Wednesday, July 19, with Music at the Gazebo. 

The first performance featured Julie Weston singing pop and jazz favorites from the 1930s, ‘40s and ‘50s. The series will continue Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. until the opening of Manaus Books and Coffeeshop on Aug. 18.

The July 26 concert will showcase Fort Fairfield native Christine St. Pierre, accompanied by Mari-Jo Hedman, singing a compilation of popular songs composed at the historic Brill Building in New York along with some familiar Broadway favorites.

Aug. 2 will feature Limestone’s own Fred and Cindy Edgecomb, who will sing a mixture of folk, gospel and original compositions.

The concert on Aug. 9 will highlight musical duo Purple Rueger, as they present a mix of folk, blues, and soft rock in an evening of easy listening.

The concert series will end Aug. 16 with an old-time hymn sing and ice cream social. Singing will be led by Julie Weston and will include traditional hymns such as “How Great Thou Art,” “The Old Rugged Cross,” and “Amazing Grace.” Guests will then head to the Lodge at 30 Main Street for ice cream. A dish or cone will be $2 and a sundae will be $3. Proceeds will benefit Operation Limestone, a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.

All concerts will take place at Rotary Park on Main Street. In case of rain, the venue will be the Limestone United Methodist Church at 52 Main St.

Operation Limestone encourages anyone interested in the foundation to contact them at 325-6146, by e-mail at operationlimestone@gmail.com or by stopping by the Lodge at 30 Main Street during regular business hours.