Library slates creative writing/art workshop

7 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — The Caribou Public Library and Cornerstone Creative Studios will co-host their second creative writing and collaborative art workshop for all school-age students on Thursday, Aug. 10, from 2– 3:30 p.m.

Ryan Palmer, CCS artist/writer and project manager,  will teach the session, touching upon character development and story outlines.

Students attending this workshop will have a chance to work with a partner in a simple collaboration project, and will also receive a free CCS creative club sketchbook and membership card.

“Our goal is to offer this workshop once a month so students can share ideas and support each other in their creative endeavors,” said Anastasia Weigle, director of the library.

The workshop is sponsored by the Caribou Public Library Foundation and Cornerstone Creative Studios and is free to all interested students. Contact the library at 493-5946 or email for more information.