Houlton Town Council Meetings scheduled for tonight

8 years ago

A Special Council Meeing is scheduled for August 14, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. Regular Council Meeting is scheduled to follow on August 14, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.

Special Council Meeting

A. (S080217-1) Council enters into Executive Session with the Town Manager and Assistant Town Manager for the purpose of discussing personnel matters, in accordance with Title 1, Sec. 405.6A.

B. (S080217-2) Council enters into Executive Session with the Town Manager and Assistant Town Manager for the purpose of discussing union negotiations, pursuant to Title 1, Section 405.6D.


Regular Council Meeting

Public Comments

I. Minutes: Regular Council Meeting of July 24, 2017 and Special Council Meeting of August 7, 2017.

II. Old Business:   None.

III. New Business

A. (080117-1) Council approves the renewal of the Solid Waste Management Services Contract and General Specifications between the Town of Houlton, Maine, and Pine Tree Waste Services, Inc., of Houlton, Maine, for a term of seven (7) years from January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2024 and authorizes the Town Manager to sign all documents pertaining to said Contract. (Note:  The document in its entirety is available for review at the Town Office during normal business hours.)
(Public Hearing)

B. (080117-2) Council approves the presentation of the 2018 Long Range Program (Capital Plan), which is subject to funding through the budget process.  (Note:  The document in its entirety is available for review at the Town Office during normal business hours.)
(Public Hearing)

C. (080117-3) Council accepts the grant award of $333,334.00 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Fiscal Year 2016 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (Award No. EMW-2016-FV-01-20) for the purchase of a Pumper/Engine for the Fire Department and authorizes the Town Manager to sign all documents pertaining to said award.  (Note:  The Town’s share is $16,666.00)

D. (080117-4) Council accepts the Wellness Incentive Grant Award of $1,680.00 from the Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust.

E. (080117-5) Council approves execution of the Blanket Letter of Approval to the Department of Public Safety Licensing/Inspection Unit for the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians to Operate Beano through December 31, 2022, at 494 North Street.

F. (080117-6) Council accepts the Flagpole in Community Park in memory of Sgt. 1st Class Aaron A. Henderson. (Flagpole donated anonymously and plaque donated by Ted Bowers of Bowers Funeral Home)

G. (080117-7) Council accepts the donation of $150 from Dave Pelky to the Houlton Recreation Department.

H. (080117-8) Council accepts the resignation of Town Manager Butch Asselin, effective August 15, 2017.

I. (080117-9) Council appoints Cathy J. O’Leary as Interim Town Manager, effective August 15, 2017.

IV. Discussions and Reports

A. Town Manager’s Reports.

B. Councilors’ Remarks.

V. Adjournment