Easton readies for school bells

Hillary Hallett, Special to The County
8 years ago

The summer is quickly coming to an end, and it’s time to start preparing for the first day of school.  Students will begin school on Wednesday, Aug. 15.

Please visit the school website at eastonschools.org and calendar frequently for the school lunch menu, upcoming events and other reminders.  Parents and visitors must sign in at the main office and get a visitors’ pass whenever they visit the schools, as well as sign children in and out of school for late entry or early dismissal.  

The bus run will remain the same as last year.  Buses will begin picking up students around 7 a.m.

Easton Elementary School will host an open house on Wednesday, Aug. 23, at 6 p.m. Their Fall Fun Day will be Friday, Aug. 18.

Happy Days Club

The Happy Days Senior Citizens’ Club met following a potluck lunch on July 27 with these members present: Annette Copeland, Jean Ann Ames, Carrie Mason, Julia Allen, Barbara Hull, Hollis Hull, Jackie Condon, Pat Fitzherbert, Kitty Scott, Loomis Scott, Carol Monroe and Carolyn Mahany.  

A social time of  playing board games was held following the meeting. All seniors are welcome to join us and bring a friend.

Library schedule

On Saturdays the Community Library will be held at the Easton High School Library from 9:30 a.m. until noon. Story time is from 10 to 10:30 a.m., geared for toddlers/pre-K to grade 3; children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult. 

The library will be open to the community for patrons to utilize library services; book loans, use of periodicals and reference materials, Internet and computer access. Patrons may bring their own devices to access the Internet and will be asked to follow existing library rules/guidelines.   

This week’s date is Saturday, Aug. 19.

Rec Soccer starts soon

Fifth- and sixth-grade soccer round robins will be played on Saturdays in September and October with possibly a few additional games.  Practices will be held on Tuesday evenings from 5:15-6:30 starting Sept. 19 on the girls’ soccer field.  This team is co-ed.

The third- and fourth-grade soccer team will practice at the elementary school behind the playground on (typically) Mondays and Thursday from 3-4 p.m., unless there is a game scheduled.  Children must have sneakers and shin guards to participate.  A complete schedule can be found in the Fall Book. Practice starts Monday, Aug. 21.

the first- and second-grade soccer team will practice at the elementary school behind the playground on (typically) Tuesday from 3-3:45 p.m., unless there is a game scheduled.  Children must have sneakers and shin guards to participate.  A complete schedule can be found in the Rec’s fall program book.  

Hillary Hallett is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by sending an e-mail to: hillary_jt@myfairpoint.net or calling 551-7737.