TOPS (week of September 6, 2017)

7 years ago

Tops Chapter 233 of Houlton met Aug. 18 with nine TOPS and three KOPS members present. 

Diane Folsom was the loser of the week, and also gave the secretary’s report. Good job on both counts, Diane.

Betty Wyman won the 50/50 and Charlotte Marley won the skinny dish.

We started a new contest, “A Contest for Life Savers,” with a chance to earn 6 points per week. These points are also goals to help us keep on track through the rest of the summer. Shouldn’t all of us have a goal to reach for? Need some ideas? Is it weight control, exercise or eating healthier or even something more personal? Something for us all to think about.

Jean Merritt gave the program: “Critic Crackdown.” Listening to others tell us what we “need” to do gets old quick. We need to be our own critics, decide on our own what we need. It’s not easy, but doable. Bullying can come from so many directions … childhood memories of school problems, and so on, right up to the present.

That’s where our group steps up to the plate and catches the ball for each other. Weight loss is our number-one goal, but we listen to each other. That support is there every day, not just Fridays. Thank you, Jean, for the uplifting program.

The TOPS chapter met next on Aug. 25 at the Aldergate Building on Kelleran Street, with eight TOPS and 1 KOPS present.

Pam Richardson was the loser of the week and Janette Nelson was the runner-up. Nelson won the skinny dish and Diane Folsom won the 50/50.

Area captain Janice Cote presented the program. Music can be a great incentive for losing weight, so Janice suggested making your own playlist to get you moving, suggesting the following: “Stand By Me” by Ben E. King, because our TOPS group does stand behind each other; “Help” by The Beatles fits because we all at times need somebody to listen or help us over a hurdle; “I Feel Good” by James Brown because we need to celebrate our own accomplishment and help others celebrate theirs; “Mama Said” by Luther Dixon and Willie Denson, because there are days we don’t want to get up; “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey because we shouldn’t stop believing in ourselves, but should keep on striving toward our goals no matter what.

Those songs might not fit your own playlist, so pick ones that do. Make it your own to walk, jog, garden or even do housework by.

Come see what our TOPS group can do for you. We offer support, fun contests and even willing ears. Call Pam Richardson at 538-8760 for more information.