CARIBOU, Maine — Forty people representing various businesses and organizations around The County attended the United Way of Aroostook’s employee campaign managers luncheon on Sept. 21 at the Warehouse Bar and Grill in Caribou.
United Way officials emphasized the agency’s mission and work, encouraging campaign managers to bring the message back to their workplaces in an effort to increase employee donations.
“We are more than fundraisers,” said Sherry Locke, United Way executive director. “We help identify needs in the community and bring everyone to the table to create lasting change, but we cannot do that without all of you.”
Locke highlighted the 14 local agencies they fund as well as some of the nine programs they coordinate internally. All agencies and programs address the needs of Aroostook County citizens in the areas of health, education and financial stability.
Led by Co-Chairs Jon Gulliver and Jess Ouellette, the 2017 Campaign Committee has set its goal at $600,000. The committee has worked on a campaign video, which the group viewed for the first time at the luncheon. It showcased three of the agencies, organizations and programs which benefit from United Way of Aroostook support.
“The Campaign Committee has been hard at work since July working on ideas to make this 60th anniversary campaign one of the best,” said Gulliver. “The employee campaign manager (ECM) meeting campaign kickoff is a major step towards our $600,000 goal. It’s always great to see the enthusiasm of the ECMs, as they do much of the heavy lifting during the campaign.”
“It is great to see the diversity of businesses and agencies represented at today’s campaign kickoff,” Ouellette said. “It was evident that the employee campaign managers were excited to share their great ideas with the group in hopes to help achieve our goal. Community is a way of life — it is so awesome to be on a team of like-minded people that want to collaborate to support the community and contribute their best efforts to the 60th Anniversary United Way Campaign.”
United Way has 85 workplace campaigns throughout Aroostook County. They come in all shapes and sizes, and collectively account for 65 percent of the total campaign. The remainder of the funding comes in as individual donations, events, grants, corporate gifts and special fundraisers.
“United Way of Aroostook is excited about the momentum already gathered for this campaign,” Locke said.
Any individual, club or organization who wants to know more about the work of the United Way or become involved in the local campaign should contact their office at (207) 764-5197.