The “Little School” at 51 Station Road in Easton will host a yard and bake sale on Oct. 12, 13 and 14 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Home-baked beans, salads, bread and rolls will be available on Saturday only.
All proceeds will benefit the Little School restoration project. If you have items you wish to donate to the sales, call Gloria at 762-0550 or Cookie at 551-0200.
Community Dinner
On Saturday, Oct. 14, the Easton Wesleyan Church will host a community dinner from 4 to 6 p.m.
The meal is offered free of charge but donations will be accepted in support of Operation Christmas Child. For more information contact Pastor Tony at 551-0777.
Fall Cleanup
The town will provide a collection point at the town garage on the Fry Pan Road for household junk, such as appliances, tires, furniture and wood, on Saturday, Oct. 21.
Wood products must be separated and no household garbage or used oil will be accepted. Another collection point will be set up next to the recycling igloos behind the town office to dispose of electronics such as televisions, computers, monitors, printers, fluorescent bulbs, circuit boards, cell phones, fax machines, scanners, laptops, DVD/VCR players, batteries and copiers. All recyclables must be deposited in the igloos.
Cleanup day is for Easton residents only. No commercial loads. Call 488-6652 with any questions.
Youth ministry event
On Wednesday, Oct. 11, from 7 to 9 p.m., the Wesleyan Church on Center Road will host an evening for anyone who has an interest in a youth ministry being started in Easton. Parents, teens, potential leaders, prayer supporters are all more than welcome to attend.

Devin Daniels and Carter Brown enjoy the warm weather at the Campground at Birch Point around the fire.
(Photo courtesy of Hillary Hallett)
Community Library
On Saturdays the Community Library will be held at the Easton High School Library from 9:30 a.m. until noon. Story time from 10 to 10:30 a.m. is geared for toddlers/pre-K to grade 3; children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult.
The library will be open to the community for patrons to utilize library services; book loans, use of periodicals and reference materials, Internet and computer access. Patrons may bring their own devices to access the Internet and will be asked to follow existing library rules/guidelines.
This week’s date is Saturday, Oct. 6.
Kids’ yoga is coming
This isn’t your traditional Yoga class. Children’s yoga is a different way to learn about the body. We will stretch, strengthen, gain flexibility and balance through short, age-appropriate activities, as well as learn how to calm our bodies, breath and mind.
Yoga has been shown to improve concentration, memory, attention, problem-solving and decision-making — all terrific skills needed for learning. Relaxation is just as important as exercise and we will learn these concepts and more, all by having fun. Classes will be held starting Wednesday, Oct. 11, and run through November 15.
The cost is $25. We must have 12 participants to run the program. Classes will take place at the Hall until 4:15 p.m. Children must have a note to ride the bus from school to the hall. Open to Kindergarten and up. The class will be instructed by Julie French.
Community Calendars
The community calendar includes birthdays, anniversaries, etc., along with photos of local venues and people by residents of our community. Calendars can be purchased by filling out a form at the Town Office.
New this year: Customers must pick up calendars at the Town Office in mid-December; they will not be delivered as in the past.
This year’s price is $12 and includes a different color photo on each page. Proceeds from this project help pay out-town-fees for local children’s lessons and make it possible to offer partial scholarships to those in need.
Please return order form for your 2018 calendar by no later than Oct. 5 to the Town Office or by mail to P.O. Box 127, Easton, ME 04740. Call 488-6601 with any questions.
Happy Days Club
The Happy Days club enjoyed a potluck lunch on Sept. 14 with nine members/guests present.
Judy Anderson, Director of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, and Christine McPherson, RSVP volunteer coordinator, discussed and demonstrated the Bone Builders Program offered to seniors by the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging. Easton will start the program in the near future.
The business meeting was then called to order with 7 members present.
Trunk or Treat
On Saturday, Oct. 28, the Easton Wesleyan Church will host a Trunk or Treat from 4 to 6 p.m. on Center Road. There will also be games and prizes.
Everyone is invited to bring a vehicle and candy and join in the fun. Contact Tony at 551-0777 for more info.
Hillary Hallett is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by sending an e-mail to: hillary_jt@myfairpoint.net or calling 551-7737.