TOPS (week of October 18, 2017)

7 years ago

TOPS #233 of Houlton had our weekly meeting Oct. 13. Thirteen TOPS and three KOPS members were present.

The loser of the week was Denise Clark and the runner-up was Diane Folsom. Good job, ladies. Jean Merritt won the 50/50 and Betty Wyman won the skinny dish.

We discussed plans for the Fall Rally in Bangor, scheduled for Oct. 14.

Cheryl Driscoll presented the program on “Emotional Eating.” We tend to eat in times of stress or sadness. This program included strategies for conquering emotional eating once and for all. Once we learn our triggers, we can learn to substitute a hobby such as knitting or crocheting, or exercise such as walking, or listening to music for our favorite “comfort food.”

Also, learn to cry if something upsets us. Crying really will ease the pain that comes from a bad experience or a traumatic event. Learn to call a friend that you feel comfortable talking to; talking lessens the heartaches and pain instead of staying by yourself and reaching for unhealthy food choices. Great program, Cheryl.

We always welcome new members to join us. For more information or directions to the meeting place, call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.