Ricker College trustees

6 years ago

The Ricker College Board of Trustees held its annual meeting on Oct. 27, 2017, at the boardroom in the Houlton Trust Building.

The Board elected the following officers for the year 2018: Dan Watson, chair; Leigh Cummings, vice chair; Gerry Riley, treasurer; and Allison Bossie, secretary. Watson appointed Greg Sherman and Paul Adams to serve on the executive committee.

Trustees re-elected for the three-year terms were Greg Sherman, Bob Lyons and Jerry McCarthy. Gary Bossie will continue serving as executive director.

Watson thanked Susan Nason and Lanny Putnam for 12 years of service on the board and presented each of them with a trustee jacket. Selected to replace the retirees were Tina Condon and Martha Bell, both from Houlton.

Bossie reported on numerous matters. The endowment is presently at $1.3 million, and the group will award $161,000 in scholarships to Aroostook County students in January. Since Ricker started awarding scholarships in 1985, the board has awarded more than $4 million to Aroostook and Washington County students.

Bossie then gave a short history of Ricker from its early beginnings as Houlton Academy and a short discussion followed.

The Ricker Board is a private, nonprofit, charitable corporation which administers funds bequeathed to the board for educational purposes.

The board maintains its office at 30 Market Square in Houlton. It makes its contacts with prospective recipients through the guidance officers of high schools.

For more information visit rickerscholarship.com.