Region 2 holds career fair

6 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Region Two CTE Career/College Fair was held Friday, Oct. 13 and thanks to many contributing businesses, college representatives and armed services who volunteered their time, it was a huge success.

By sharing their expertise and resources to area junior and senior students, it allowed time for students to learn about opportunities toward a career path. It was held at the Army National Guard Armory which provided for plenty of space for students and vendors to gather.

There were 12 businesses from the northern part of Maine, four sections of armed services, and 16 post-secondary schools that attended. The area high school juniors and seniors were able to have hands-on experiences with several presentations and engaged in one on one conversations with the representatives from each entity. Students who asked questions, put their names into a drawing for gift cards for each sending school.

“It was a great day and the businesses and colleges were impressed with the level of conversations students had with them,” said Hollie McPartland, program counselor for Region Two CTE. “A huge thank you goes out to all the people who attended and helped! We will look forward to next year’s College/Career Fair to be held again at the Army National Guard Armory in hopes for a bigger and better turnout.”