Upset with how quickly Collins voted on tax bill

6 years ago

To the editor:

I was truly surprised when U.S. Sen Susan Collins, who I’ve voted for, voted to support the GOP’s tax bill.

Senators were supposed to read 497 pages of legal jargon, with hundreds of handwritten edits, in less than three hours before their vote.

As a reminder, it took over 18 months and more than 100 Republican amendments for Obamacare to pass. This huge tax bill was released and passed within hours. I spent more time deciding which winter coats to buy for my three boys this year.

This is not politics as usual. I thought Sen. Collins was committed to thoughtful and deliberate bipartisan policy making, but it doesn’t seem that way.

In the future, I urge Sen. Collins to fight to take the necessary time to analyze and discuss major pieces of legislation that will affect Mainers for years to come. I don’t think that’s asking for too much.

Sharon Callnan Bodenstab