Veteran service officer to begin Houlton hours

6 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services will hold office hours at the VA Clinic at Houlton Regional Hospital during the first and third Wednesday of every month beginning Wednesday, Feb. 7.

Barrett Fisher, the Bureau’s Veteran Service Officer (VSO) in northern Maine, will be available to meet veterans and their family members.

Veteran service officers can help vets access a number of benefits, including enrollment in the VA system for healthcare services and VA benefits, filing a claim with the VA, obtaining a copy of DD 214 military discharge records, and applying for complimentary park passes and hunting and fishing licenses.

“Our goal is to ensure veterans and military families are receiving the assistance and benefits they have both earned and deserve,” said Fisher. “We are available to help, free of charge, any veteran who would like to make an appointment.”

Interested veterans should contact the Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services’ Caribou office at (207) 492-1173 to make an appointment. Houlton hours are open to all veterans and are not limited to Houlton residents.

For more information, visit or call the Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services at (207) 430-6035.