TOPS (week of May 9, 2018)

6 years ago

The Houlton chapter of TOPS met Friday morning, April 27.

There were 10 TOPS and 3 KOPS members present. The Loser of the Week was Diane Folsom and the runner-up was Pam Richardson. Charlotte Marley won the skinny dish and Barbara Whited won the 50/50. Our Healthy Basket was won by Barbara Whited.

We talked about the SRD for TOPS, to be held in Bangor on May 11 and 12. The group is looking forward to that.

Denise Clark gave the program on ” Under Pressure,” taken from an article in a TOPS magazine. Did you know we have 206 bones in our body, all for different body needs? The joints allow stretching, moving, stepping and running, to mention a few. Excess pounds will increase damage to these bones and can result in arthritis. Excess weight adds extra stress to our joints, especially the knees. As this process gets worse, our “shock absorbers” can’t let us move or exercise as easily.

Did you know there are over 100 types of arthritis. A lot of bones, a lot of different hurts. So eating right and exercise might just help to keep ” Arthur” in his place.

Come join us. We would welcome new members. Get the support needed for a “brand new you,” just like I did.

For more information call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.