HOULTON, Maine — Town officials are looking to borrow $260,000 to complete roof work at the Public Works Department garage and make improvements to the Gentle Memorial Building.
The Town Council has scheduled a public hearing on the proposed borrowing at 6 p.m. June 25.
The loan would be taken out for five years at a 2.99 percent interest rate from Katahdin Trust Co., which submitted a low bid to the town.
The projects have long been on the town’s comprehensive plan list, which includes work the community hopes to complete over the next five years.
Town Manager William MacDonald said Wednesday that during the upcoming council meeting, he will be recommending that councilors accept the low bid of $81,950 from Powers Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. of Caribou for replacement of the roof on the Public Works Building. The remainder of the loan amount would be used to pay for repairs at the Gentle Memorial Building.
MacDonald said that crews need to remove asbestos laden siding and replace a number of windows with energy efficient ones.
“That building leaks a lot of energy,” he said. “We want the project to match up with the building and the architectural integrity. We will put a pitched roof near the handicapped accessible entrance to replace the flat roof.”