Four Corners Park celebrates grand opening

7 years ago

MADAWASKA, Maine — More than 50 motorcycle riders from across Maine rode into Madawaska Saturday, June 23, for the Four Corners park grand opening.  

Founder Joe LaChance first conjured up the idea for the park back in 2000, so riders who had toured all four corners of the United States could have a designated welcoming place in Madawaska.

Today, the park has a landscape setup that welcomes riders and patrons of all ages and backgrounds. The welcome center and gift shop opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony during Saturday’s celebration.

“We contacted people who’ve finished the tour in the past to come do it again, and to come to the grand opening,” LaChance said. He added that he’s hoping to make the celebration an annual event.

The day kicked off with a parade of bikes down Main Street beginning at the Gateway Motel and ending at the Four Corners park. After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, hot dogs were served free to all bikers who had completed the tour, with meals available to the general public for purchase. The Jerry T Band provided live music, having donated their time to the park.

“The reason we’re doing this is to bring tourism to northern Maine,” LaChance said. “People will come and eat at our restaurants and stay at our motels. It is good for the Town of Madawaska.”

Those attending the celebration included Jerry Hayes and Roger York. Hayes was the first person to go through the Maine Four Corners Experience Tour, where riders travel around the state of Maine to all four corners. He worked with LaChance on the park for the past three years, he said. He added that he “basically lived there.”

York was the first Titanium Butt finisher for the Maine Four Corners Experience Tour, where he completed the tour five times.

“I love the ride,” he said. “If riding is a torture after a couple hundred miles, you’re not going to last long.”

For more information about the Four Corners park and the tours available, visit their website.