TOPS (week of October 24, 2018)

6 years ago

Tops Chapter, Houlton, met Friday, Oct. 12, at the Aldergate Building, Kelleran Street.

There were 10 TOPS and four KOPS members present. The loser of the week was Denise Clark and the runners-up were Diane Folsom and Brenda Lacostic. Great job, ladies. Barbara Troy won the skinny dish, Diane Folsom won the 50/50 and Barbara Whited won the health basket.

Our contest continues into the fourth week. This week we are walking and trying a new fruit; also, trying to use citrus in our water instead of sugar as in “ade.” Oranges, lemons, limes or even grapefruit work well. As for a new fruit, make a trip to the grocery store for ideas.

There will be a training Saturday, Oct. 27, at the Houlton Regional hospital for our leaders and officers. Hope you all will be there. Pat Smith, state coordinator, will conduct this meeting from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with time out for lunch.

Come join us at TOPS. We’d love to see you join, and as with me, see a little “less of you” as the weeks go by. Get the encouragement and support as you enter the “first day of the rest of your life.”

For more information call me at 538-8760 or email me at Hope to hear from you.