Collins rightly stood up for due process, Kavanaugh

6 years ago

To the editor:

The recent political fiasco stemming from the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh has shown me what the nature of politics is today: allegations lacking facts and personal attacks. This has no regard for those that disagree with the liberal mindset and would seek the truth rather than an agenda-supporting narrative. Even though this process was intended to vet the work qualifications of Judge Kavanaugh, it became clear that they cared less about his 26 years of exemplary work than they cared about a story that could keep him off the high court.

While others were fighting their opposing side, looking for a sound bite to extend their political careers, Senator Collins came at this issue with an open mind to reason. She refused to believe an uncorroborated story and instead sought what she felt was the proven truth of the situation. She concluded the reality of the allegations but rejected the claim that the man guilty of these crimes was Judge Kavanaugh due to the lack of evidence.

There were plenty of people standing at the ready to attack anyone who dared say anything against the story, but Senator Collins stood up and spoke about the necessity for due process in this case, which ultimately sealed the vote for Judge Kavanaugh. Thank you Senator Collins for your heroic actions in preserving the constitution.

Rep. Dustin M. White