Oakfield Seniors gather (week of November 21, 2018)

Charlotte Marley, Special to The County
5 years ago

The Oakfield Seniors met at SMHS (Smyrna Merrill Historical Society) in Smyrna for their first meeting in November. No 50/50 drawing was held this week, so save your money until next meeting.

President Alberta McDonald opened the business meeting with The Lord’s Prayer followed by the Flag Salute. All reports were read and accepted.

Christine McPherson from RSVP in Presque Isle was the guest speaker. There will be a Bone Builders program at Houlton Higher Education Center in Houlton. The Aroostook Area Agency on Aging in Presque Isle will be moving to a new location on Main Street soon.

Also you can get your income taxes done free, if you call the United Way in Presque Isle. RSVP will have their usual table of hand made mittens, hats, socks, dishcloths, scarfs and much more at the Craft Fair in Houlton on Friday and Saturday Nov 23 and 24 at the Rec Center on Main Street. Several of our members will be volunteering there, so come and help make this another great fundraiser for RSVP. Some of our members donate their time and talents making items for this sale.

Attending were: Arlene Friel, Bernice Campbell, Alberta McDonald, Wannetta Townsend, George Barrow, Jeanne Clements, Ellie Peck, Mildred Gagnon, Earl and Lottie Doughty, Marie Gillotti, Don and Charlotte Marley, and guest Christine McPherson.

Our next meeting will be On Dec. 5 and will be a potluck and our annual Christmas Gift Exchange. Join us for a potluck luncheon, make new friends, visit with old and new friends on the first and third Wednesday on each month. For more info call Alberta McDonald at 757-8052.