TOPS – Week of January 23, 2019

5 years ago

The Houlton chapter of TOPS met Friday, Jan. 4, with seven TOPS and four KOPS members present.

The losers of the week were Diane Folsom and Cheryl Driscoll. The runner-up was MIldred Gagnon. Good job, ladies. Betty Wyman won the skinny dish and Barbara Whited won the health basket.

Charms were given out by Barbara Whited. Special ones for losing or staying the same  through the holidays were given to Diane Folsom, Barbara Grant, Jean Merritt, Mildred Gagnon and Charlotte Marley, and the year end loss charm went to Cheryl Driscoll. Congratulations to all of you.

The chapter next met on Jan. 11, with seven TOPS and two KOPS members attending.

The loser of the week was Marsha Reed and the runner-up was Barbara Whited. Good job, ladies. Marsha Reed won the skinny dish and Diane Folsom won the 50/50. Janette Nelson got the health basket. Lots of fruits and good choices go into the basket. Our members bring something each week for this great incentive to be at our weekly meeting. That deserves a great thanks to all.

We had a guest speaker this week. Christine McPherson from the Retired Senior Volunteer Program spoke about the need for volunteers in most areas of Aroostook County. Meals on Wheels, hospitals, food pantries and visits to the elderly are just some of the volunteer activities. She said that without volunteers some of the programs available would be harder to accomplish.

If you are able, check RSVP out. Thank you, Christine, for a very informative talk.

We welcome all who wish to make changes in lifestyle to join our group. Getting ready for summer? Join. Call me, Pam Richardson, for more information or directions to our very supportive group: 538-8760.

We’ve missed meeting because of ice, snow and cold. Hopefully this year will be better.