TOPS – Week of February 13, 2019

5 years ago

We missed another meeting because of ice and snow. Getting tired of winter, but we have to remember  that we do live in the great state of Maine.

The Feb. 1 meeting of TOPS was held at the Aldergate Building, Kelleran St., Houlton. We had seven TOPS and four KOPS members present. The loser of the week was Barbara Whited and the runners-up were Marsha Reed, Charlotte Marley and Betty Wyman. Great job, ladies.  Barbara Whited won the 50/50 and the skinny dish is held over until next week. Charlotte Marley won the health basket. This is a great incentive for our group and the different foods are amazing as we plan healthier meals each week.

Pam Richardson had the program and discussed ways of making water tasty. I like using different fruits. I use lemon, unpeeled apple or orange sliced up and make two quarts at a time. I tried lime, but didn’t care for that.  

We always welcome new members, and remember, the the first meeting is free. So call me for more information at 538-8760.