Seasoned educators retire from RSU 29

Karen Donato, Special to the Houlton Pioneer Times, Special to The County
6 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — RSU 29 will be without several seasoned educators and support staff as they leave the district for retirement at the end of the school year.

The Houlton Educators Association, along with Superintendent Ellen Halliday and the board of directors, hosted a social gathering at the Lakeside Restaurant in New Limerick on May 29. More than 50 family members, friends and colleagues attended the event to honor the retirees.

Katie Wright, association president welcomed guests and presented gifts on behalf of the association, as did Halliday. Guest speakers included principals Candace Crane, Houlton Elementary School; Jim Hodgkin, Houlton Middle-High School and assistant principal, Tim Tweedie. Each gave a brief glimpse into the careers of the guests of honor.

Retiring teachers are: Tara Austin, 42 years; Linda Cowperthwaite, 30 years; Shari Good, 29 years; Cindy Goodrich, 39 years; Rob Kinens, 27 years; Penny Richardson, 28 years.  Also retiring are Steve Codrey, bus driver 18 years; Pam Mailman, high school secretary, 22 years and Sonya Nesbitt, interpreter for the deaf with 23 years.