Houlton TOPS meets Aug. 2

5 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Houlton Chapter of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) met Friday, Aug. 2, with six members and five KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) members in attendance.

The loser of the week was Mildred Gagnon and the runner-up was Marsha Reed. Good job ladies. Reed also won the skinny dish and Barbara Whited won the 50-50 raffle. Barbara Grant won the health basket, which included so many healthy items. Thank you to all.

We are putting forth a real effort to make our encouraging calls each week, and I for one, look forward to these. I am sure we all are happy to  get a call from another member, just to say “Hi” and “How are you?”

Janice Cote, our area captain, made her yearly chapter visit on Friday. She talked about “Seeds of Change.” Good soil is the foundation for change, she said. Also quality “seeds” are needed (new habits) and these take time to root. And we need much encouragement as we develop these new habits.

Also needed is water (a splash of support), to keep us growing. What a great comparison to our TOPS program. Thank you very much, Janice.

We at TOPS have a wonderful support system as we reach out to each other for that encouragement. You too can find that starting point as you make your own lifestyle better, which in turn, can make you feel better about yourself. Com join us, we’re here for each other. For more information, call Pam Richardon at 538-8760.