TOPS – Week of September 2, 2019

5 years ago

The Houlton chapter of TOPS met Friday, Aug. 23, with 10 TOPS and four KOPS members present.

The loser of the week  was Joanne Lane and the runner-up was Barbara Troy. The Skinny Dish was won by Charlotte Marley and the 50/50 was on by Diane Folsom. Brenda Lacostic won the Health Basket. 

Our contest continues for the seventh week. Charlotte tells us there is a possibility of six winners, so maybe next week.  And the weight we are losing will help ourselves in this contest. Congratulations to all.

The program was presented by Betty Wyman and Diane Folsom. The topic was veggies — the top 14 that have the most health benefits. Number one is spinach with 56 percent of daily vitamins and only seven calories per serving. Second is carrots with 428 percent of essential vitamins, followed by broccoli, garlic, and the list goes on. Great program. 

If you want to learn more about the group or maybe change your own lifestyle call me, Pam Richardson.