Many enjoy Mapleton Daze 2020 stew night

5 years ago

Mapleton Daze 2020 Stew Night was a delicious affair.  The sight of 12 large crockpots filled with various soups, stews, chowders and pasta dishes was overwhelming for most of the diners on Saturday evening. Sept. 4.

On Saturday, Sept. 14, the Mapleton Daze Stew Night was a deliciously enjoyable event with 12 Crock Pots plus a large roaster oven all filled with homemade soups, stews, chilies, baked beans, chowders and pasta dishes, with many red hot dogs grilling in the kitchen. All of this tasty food was prepared and served by Mapleton Daze volunteers.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

There were questions such as, “Is the white chicken chili better than the regular chicken chili with tomatoes?”, or “Do I start with the chicken stew, then go to the fish chowder and finish with the taco or beef and barley soup?”  Kids, who came along with their parents, just simply looked for the mac and cheese and enjoyed adding a red hot dog to excellent homemade pasta.

For diners’ entertainment, the Hudson Brothers (Wendell and Dale) played the old favorites of the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill crowd.  Folks are so familiar with their songs that the evening became a sing-a-long session.  

Lynelle Foster, Mapleton Daze President, described the event as one that required lots of volunteer help preparing the food and setting up the hall, and she was thankful for all the volunteer help that made evening so enjoyable for the diners.  Foster was happy for the donation of gift certificates and craft items that given away as part of a silent auction. She thanked the many businesses and crafters who made the silent auction possible.

The funds raised from the Mapleton Daze Stew Night are an excellent start on the significant funding needed to put on the 2020 Mapleton Daze.  Mapleton Daze has many expenses starting with the fireworks show, the rental of the bouncy houses and other festival expenses.

Foster did remind diners that the next fundraiser for the 2020 Mapleton Daze will be the Mapleton Daze Annual Fall Craft and Vendor Fair from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 12 at the Mapleton Lions Hall.   This craft fair will be just in time to get your Halloween, Thanksgiving, and upcoming holiday shopping done. They will have lots of homemade items and vendor items for sale. Come and support our small community and our local crafters.

Second-grader Rylan Michaud, center, and her grandfather, Ron Fournier of Ashland had the unusual distinction on Friday, Sept. 6,  to be the first customers at the new McDonald’s restaurant in Presque Isle. They carried with them their receipt of the last meal purchased at the old restaurant, making them the last customers at the former site and the first customers at the newly opened location. At right, Heidi Abbotoni, McDonalds owner, greets them as the door is opened.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

First Customers

Second-grader Rylan Michaud and her grandfather, Ron Fournier, our neighbors to the west of us in Ashland, gained the unusual distinction on Friday, Sept. 6, to be the first customers in the new McDonalds Restaurant in Presque Isle.  

They stood at the head of the line waiting for the door to be unlocked for the restaurant’s grand opening.  They waited in the line for just under an hour for the door to open. What made this so unusual is they happened to be the very last customers at the old McDonalds restaurant, and as proof of that claim they even had their receipt from that last sale at two minutes before closing.  

Both Rylan and Ron were excited to be at the grand opening.  That Friday was a regular school day for Rylan, but she had received permission to be a little late getting back to school.  Ryan did confess she was very excited to try out the new and larger kids’ playroom in the front section of the restaurant.  

By the time the door did open, there were approximately 100 people in the restaurant and drive-thru lines.

First Friday lunch

The monthly First Friday Luncheon at the Mapleton Methodist Church is scheduled for next Friday, Oct. 4, at 11:30 a.m.  

Some of our local snowbirds will have already left for warmer areas of the country, but there is the possibility some freshly harvested potatoes may be on the menu.

While the food is always delicious, the real joy is being with long-time friends as well as making new friends and sharing family updates, stories and memories.   Remember there is no charge for the lunch, but donations will be accepted.  

Tri-Town Seniors resume 

Starting Monday, Oct. 7, the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Senior Citizens group will resume their 2019-2020 monthly luncheons. Potluck meals are on the first and third Mondays of each month from October to June, at the Mapleton Methodist Church.

The group engages in a wide variety of activities besides having a terrific potluck lunch.  They discuss issues such as dealing with dementia, consumer fraud and town issues. Sometimes they just have fun doing craft projects such as making soap, Christmas decorations or May baskets.  Occasionally, there is is a semi-serious Bingo session.  

If you are over age 55, you are invited to attend and join the group.  Plan on attending the Oct. 7 meeting.

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at