TOPS – Week of October 21, 2019

5 years ago

The Houlton chapter of TOPS met Friday, Oct. 11, at the Aldergate Building on Kelleran Street. There were nine TOPS and four KOPS members present. 

The loser of the week was Denise Clark and the runner-up was Diane Folsom. Great job, ladies.

 The skinny dish was won by Diane Folsom, and Marsha Reed won the 50/50 and the health basket, which continues to be a big success.

 The contest is ongoing, but still no winner of the charm. Maybe next week? Will let you know.

 Our group received a lot of recognition at the fall rally held in Bangor. Denise Clark, Marsha Reed, Jean Merritt, Brenda Lacostic, and Pam Richardson earned certificates for perfect attendance. The July loser was Denise Clark and the August loser was Marsha Reed. One of the best summer loser awards went to Denise Clark. Diane Folsom won one of the raffle prizes, a fall wreath. 

We did well, ladies. Wouldn’t readers agree?

 Our group meets every Friday morning with weigh-in at 7:45 and the meeting at 9. Come join our group for the support to get you on the road to a great new lifestyle.

Call me, Pam Richardson, at 538-8760 or Diane Folsom at 521-1717. Hope to see you next Friday.