Sorority group meets

4 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Maine Torchbearer Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met on Nov. 21 at the home of Susan Czosnek. 

The service committee discussed the Wreaths Across America project and members voted to purchase two wreaths for the Aroostook County service, which will be held at the Littleton cemetery. 

A donation was made to the annual Kiwanis Community Christmas Basket Project. 

The social committee informed the group of upcoming local events including the Festival of Trees, Presque Isle holiday light parade and many area craft fairs. Happy dollars were shared and the 50-50 raffle was won by Nancy Nichols. 

Bonnie Cowett and Judy Kenney recently returned from the National Agri-Women conference in Oregon and presented an interesting and informative program on the farming industry in Oregon and facts about the state. 

The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 19, at the home of Tammy Walton. Members are asked to bring a gift for a Yankee Swap.