75 Years Ago – April 5, 1945
N. W. Downing & Son Co. got the contract — The contract for remodeling of the V.F.W. building was awarded to this local concern according to a statement from Fred Frazier, Chairman of the Post Renovating Committee.
Temporary plans were presented by “Cobby” made an attractive addition to the West Side. While the loss sustained was fairly covered by insurance, there were many small items which made a larger total, and funds were needed for the replacement of these items.
Knox promoted — From an Air Base in India, Corporal Stanley J. Knox Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Knox of Presque Isle, was promoted from Crew Chief to the rank of Sergeant according to an announcement at the headquarters of the First Air Commando Group which operated in the India Burma Theater under Major General George E. Stratemeyer’s Allied Eastern Air Command. Sgt. Knox had been in the Army for two years having arrived in the India Burma Theater nine months prior.
50 Years Ago – April 8, 1970
113 years’ service — Easton honored four of its citizens at a testimonial in the gymnasium of the elementary school. They were presented plaques stating the number of years of service in appreciation from the citizens of the town. Herman Lamoreau, 31 years; Olive Johnston, 30 years; Luman P. Mahany, 27 years; and J. Victor Hoyt, 25 years.
New FFA officers — The Northern District FFA elected officers at Limestone during their third district meeting. The new officers were: president, Russell Gillan, Mars Hill; vice president, Steve Fraiser, Fort Fairfield; secretary, Greg Smith, Presque Isle; reporter, Mike Corey, Easton; sentinel, Randy Foster, Limestone; outgoing president, Wendy McKenny; and Treasurer, Warren Nelson, Caribou.
Honorary mention — Executive Manager of the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce Aubrey W. Briggs accepted Presque Isle’s Honorary Mention Award from Mrs. Walter V. Magee, president of the General Federation of Women’s Club and one of the contest judges, at the 1970 National Congress on Beautification held in Washington in March 1970.
25 Years Ago – April 5, 1995
Local students received MSAA honors — Twenty-three area juniors from six high schools in central Aroostook County were among 468 Maine juniors nominated for the 1995 Maine Scholars Achievement. The program was designed to recognize scholarship among high school juniors and to provide support and encouragement of educational and intellectual pursuits. Each award recipient who matriculates at the University of Maine after completing the senior year of high school received a $1,000 one-time award from a scholarship fund supported in part by the University of Maine Senior Alumni. Ara award recipients included: Kristina Caron, Paul Harold, Ryan Olberding and Erin Soucy all of Ashland Community High School. Seth Dudley, Andrew King, Renovia Mckinney and Missy West all of Easton High School. Kerri Barnes, Nicole Bouchard, Josiah Leighton and Graham Sayers, all of Fort Fairfield High School. Liza Clockedile, Amy Dill, Richard Dyer and Paul Howlett II, all of Central Aroostook High School in Mars Hill. Arthur Cloukey, Andrea Grant, Amanda Saucier and Eric Saucier, all of Presque Isle High School. And Mark Dominique, Dhelia Tucker and Brian Wark, all of Washburn High School.
Honored — Sarah Canders, the daughter of Steve Canders, and Anna and Ronnie Bragg, received her high school’s 1995 Principal’s Award. Throughout her high school career, Sarah excelled in the classroom, in athletics, and as a leader in the school community. Sarah also received her $1,000 scholarship on April 1 in Orono.