Amateur radio group meets, chooses officers

4 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — The local Aroostook Amateur Radio Association (AARA) held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, March 5, at the Presque Isle Public Library.

The meeting included a pizza celebration and the group’s annual election of officers. Nomination committee members Sam Barrett (W5KF) and Steven Vance (W1SPV) recommended nominations for officers, which members approved and elected.

Officers for 2020 are: James Jalbert, president; Roy Woods, vice president; Dave Deschesne, secretary; Steve Sandelier Sr., treasurer; Tammy Deschesne, safety officer; Dina Harding, public information officer; and Bill Johnson, technical adviser.

Special recognition was also given and a custom plaque was awarded to Barrett for serving as the group’s treasurer for more than 20 years. 

Another special mention was made, in absentia, for Ivan Shapiro (WK1W) for his eight strong years of leadership as the AARA president. He will receive his plaque at a future meeting.  

Sam Barrett (W5KF), left, receives a plaque in honor of his 20-plus years of service as treasurer for the Aroostook Amateur Radio Association from current AARA president, James Jalbert (KC1ECV).
(Courtesy of Dina Harding)

Other members who attended the meeting included Dave Berry (KV1S); Lynn Dow (N1WRY); Colton Harding (KC1ECX); George Hurteau (KC1KUP); Dwayne Dow (N1WRX); Seth Thomas (KC1MTT); Sonny Packard (K1VOR); Jim Cerrato (KC5UEQ); Arthur Day (KC1LHZ); Roger Stairs (N1PX); and Jan Stairs (KC1MLN).

According to club officials, amateur “Ham” radio is a fun, affordable hobby which allows anyone to increase their technical skills and knowledge, become FCC licensed upon examination (free of charge), make friends and enjoy comradery with other amateur radio operators and clubs, and talk with other licensed operators around the world.

The organization participates in community events such as Amateur Radio Field Days. Members serve as guides at the Can-Am Crown International Sled Dog Races, assist with biathlon communications, aid in search and rescue ops, contribute to Caribou Weather Service and NOAA observations and reporting, and also serve as an emergency communication backup to emergency management personnel and first responders. 

The local AARA Ham Radio Club meets on the first Thursday of each month (except July and August) at 6:30 p.m. at the Presque Isle Public Library, with virtual meetings being held at this time during the COVID-19 pandemic. All are welcome. 

To learn more, contact Jalbert at 207-227-0409 or Woods at 207-492-7532, or visit