Support centers begin reopening to public

5 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — Aroostook Mental Health Center Peer Centers in Aroostook County have announced their reopening.

Roads to Recovery in Caribou and Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope in Houlton reopened their doors on Monday, June 15. The Valley Peer Center in Madawaska and Harvest Inn in Caribou will reopen to the public on Monday, June 22.

  “Our teams are very excited to welcome back members of the community,” said Christine Brown, AMHC program director of community integration. “As mental health and substance use peer support specialists they have done a great job doing virtual outreach to their communities but are looking forward to engaging face to face once again.”

  Each center will follow these general guidelines, but visitors should check with each center for any variances: Visitors will be limited; staff and visitors must adhere to physical distancing of six feet; staff and visitors will be asked to wear a mask if they are unable to maintain six feet of physical distancing; other precautions will be attended to, such as hand sanitizers and screening questions prior to coming to the centers. No one should visit a center if not feeling well.

Roads to Recovery and Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope provide individuals a place to come and receive support for their substance use recovery journey, connect people to resources, and also serve as a venue for a variety of recovery meetings.

  Valley Peer Center and Harvest Inn Peer Center offer persons with mental health challenges the experience of giving and receiving peer supports in moving towards self-discovery. Peer-to-peer supports empower individuals to address personal priorities and to grow their sense of self and purpose.

  For more information, please contact the centers: Valley Peer Center, 207-728-4806; Harvest Inn Peer Center, 207-492-1386; Roads to Recovery, 207-493-1278; or Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 207-254-2213.

  Celebrating more than 55 years, AMHC is a nonprofit organization supporting nearly 6,000 clients annually. The agency has 26 service sites and 325 employees located across Aroostook, Washington and Hancock counties providing mental health, substance use, crisis and sexual assault services. 

For more information, connect with AMHC at