Collins vs. Gideon

4 years ago

To the editor:

Even if I didn’t know what kind of person Sara Gideon is, I would still vote for Susan Collins. Collins has a long tenure of hard work reaching across the aisle to produce legislation that has helped both Maine businesses and Maine people. 

Though I personally don’t always agree with her stands, she explains why she takes those stands.

For instance, her stand on Kavanaugh went against the “Me too” movement’s wishes, and was a tough stand, yet she took it and courageously explained why.

I don’t even need to hear the pro-Collins ads which list her various accomplishments while in Congress. She worked with Trump to produce the stimulus package to help multiple thousands of Maine businesses keep their employees through COVID. She’s been the most bipartisan senator for several years in a row as a matter of record.

They say women’s intuition is powerful and accurate. That I won’t agree, but men’s intuition on some things is right on target also. Practically all of Gideon’s ads are negative attack ads which capture Collins in the worst possible light. Then at the end of these ads Gideon smiles innocently. You can’t have it both ways and, indeed, she doesn’t.

Current television ads say Gideon has a long record of voting to raise taxes, while her family has missed paying their taxes over 70 times to the tune of $57,000. Indeed, the word hypocrite seems very appropriate here. Gideon’s ads accuse Collins of taking PAC money from corporations and drug companies, yet Collins’ ads say not only has Gideon done the same thing, but she’s used it for personal things and has been cited by the Ethics Commission. “Pot calling the kettle black” comes to mind here.

There seems to be at least three of her political ads for every one of Collins’. Another anti-Gideon ad says that’s because she is backed by $27 million in out-of-state dark money because nefarious outside interests are trying to meddle in our affairs.

One of Gideon’s negative attack ads says, in part, “money changes everything.” Well, she should know, right?

Clare Kierstead
Presque Isle