Vote for integrity

4 years ago

To the editor:

More vulgar postings by Councilor Doug Morrell bashing the Public Works Department and others have appeared on Facebook lately. What is wrong with this picture?

The disrespect shown to the city employees, the superintendent of schools, the nastiness spewed at private citizens on social media and during council meetings, and the apparent disdain of the very community he serves convince me that he is not fit to serve regardless of whether his taxes were paid or not.  Is this really who we are as a community?  Is this how we want other communities to see us?

I’ve had people tell me that even though they want to sign the recall petition, they are fearful of retaliation.  I have had others who have friends and relatives working for the city say that they are afraid to speak out, because they are afraid of losing their jobs.  This is not who we are.

Election Day will be upon us soon.  The recall committee will be present at the polls with the petition for your signature if you’ve decided you finally have had enough. I have had enough!  That’s why I decided to break my rule of not getting involved in writing opinions while I am on council.  I cannot stand by and watch the integrity of the city council be torn apart by one councilor and the others who support him.

There are five excellent new candidates to choose from who can make a big difference in restoring civility and common sense to council, and who will work for you and the community as a whole and will respect the written rule of the charter, the people’s document.  

Remember these names:  Ben Willey, Lou Willey, Courtney Boma, Scott Desrosiers and Jon Holabird.  Place an X next to three of those names and let’s vote the integrity back into our community. 

Joan Theriault